Wednesday, December 9, 2009

November 2009 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:50pm by President Joy Senger, following a slide presentation by Kim McCarrel on Oregon Horse Camps. There was a correction to last month’s minutes. It was noted the Knebal Springs work party was Oct 27, but was snowed out. Minutes were accepted with the above correction.
DIRECTORS REPORT: Becky reported there was an article published in the Pacific Crest Trail Magazine on Sue Forsman’s Packing presentation she gave at Cascade Locks. Becky also mentioned there is a State wide effort to come up with ideas to get more participation in the State Meeting in March. If you have any suggestions, please contact Becky.
PACKERS STORE: The Packer Store has officially been handed off to the Eugene Chapter. Becky met with Peggy, Margie and 3 members of the Eugene Chapter to pass off the merchandise.
OLD BUSINESS: Gail & Ken drafted a letter to the Mt. Hood National Forest Service concerning their ORV proposal. Lynn now has the Blog on-line for our Chapter. Check it out at
NEW BUSINESS: Officers were elected. Becky made a motion to keep the current officers. Motion was seconded and passed. Officers are President - Joy Senger; Vice President – Fred Jette; Secretary – Margie Loomis; Treasurer – Rose Peterson.
It was noted that with membership numbers dropping and costs of everything increasing, the coffers are diminishing. We are looking for ways to increase our treasury. These monies go to help defer costs to travel to special and educational clinics, pay for commitments such as pumping the toilet at Cyrus, maintain and replace tools needed for trail work, occasional bar-b-que’s, etc. Bring ideas to the calendar meeting which will be held on the 3rd Saturday of January.
Joe reported the Forest Service plans for 2010 include them having a trail crew to clear from Bonney Crossing Campground to Post Camp. They would like us to come in at Post Camp and go from there. This will be a great help and reduce our work time by several days. We still have the camp ground corrals and several other camps to complete during 2010.
See you at the Christmas Party and auction on Dec. 19th. Bring hors d’vors and a wrapped Christmas gift for the auction.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Respectively Submitted,
Margie Loomis, Chapter Secretary

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