Monday, December 21, 2009

To view this article in larger print, just double click on the picture.
Thank-you, John Arnold for the interesting article.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Still Learning?

This is still a learning process for me!!! This month I have double one set of adds-but on the up side they are clearer this time. So to see the whole message you will need to hit "older posts" at the bottom to view all articles. Please comment on format or anything you think will make our blog better.
Thanks for your patience!

Kim McCarrel gave a slide presetation on her new book

President’s Message

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

I hope that everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and is ready (or getting ready) for Christmas. I also hope that the weather will be more cooperative this year and allow more of us to attend our Christmas party. Neil and I seem to hit about every other year and since we missed last year, I’m thinking we will make it this time. I hope to see you there, too.

Joy Senger

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party will be December 19th at the
Hood River Saddle Club. Happy Hour will start at 5:00pm
with Hors d' vors to follow. Please bring an appetizer, BYOB,
and a wrapped gift to be auctioned off. If you like you may
also bring something for the Silent Auction. There is plenty
of room for camping for those of you who have to come from
far away or just give one of us a call and stay with us!!
Come enjoy a fun evening with friends!!!

November 2009 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:50pm by President Joy Senger, following a slide presentation by Kim McCarrel on Oregon Horse Camps. There was a correction to last month’s minutes. It was noted the Knebal Springs work party was Oct 27, but was snowed out. Minutes were accepted with the above correction.
DIRECTORS REPORT: Becky reported there was an article published in the Pacific Crest Trail Magazine on Sue Forsman’s Packing presentation she gave at Cascade Locks. Becky also mentioned there is a State wide effort to come up with ideas to get more participation in the State Meeting in March. If you have any suggestions, please contact Becky.
PACKERS STORE: The Packer Store has officially been handed off to the Eugene Chapter. Becky met with Peggy, Margie and 3 members of the Eugene Chapter to pass off the merchandise.
OLD BUSINESS: Gail & Ken drafted a letter to the Mt. Hood National Forest Service concerning their ORV proposal. Lynn now has the Blog on-line for our Chapter. Check it out at
NEW BUSINESS: Officers were elected. Becky made a motion to keep the current officers. Motion was seconded and passed. Officers are President - Joy Senger; Vice President – Fred Jette; Secretary – Margie Loomis; Treasurer – Rose Peterson.
It was noted that with membership numbers dropping and costs of everything increasing, the coffers are diminishing. We are looking for ways to increase our treasury. These monies go to help defer costs to travel to special and educational clinics, pay for commitments such as pumping the toilet at Cyrus, maintain and replace tools needed for trail work, occasional bar-b-que’s, etc. Bring ideas to the calendar meeting which will be held on the 3rd Saturday of January.
Joe reported the Forest Service plans for 2010 include them having a trail crew to clear from Bonney Crossing Campground to Post Camp. They would like us to come in at Post Camp and go from there. This will be a great help and reduce our work time by several days. We still have the camp ground corrals and several other camps to complete during 2010.
See you at the Christmas Party and auction on Dec. 19th. Bring hors d’vors and a wrapped Christmas gift for the auction.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Respectively Submitted,
Margie Loomis, Chapter Secretary

Dues are Due. Please either mail to Rose or bring to the Christmas Party

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to our new Blog!

I still have a few kinks to work out but it's a start. The articles come in as they are written, the first ones at the bottom and work on up. So next month I will insert our advertisers in between each article. Also All Animal Care and Tucker Road Vets adds aren't very clear and I apologize for that. I now have their business cards and will scan them in next month. The blog format is long and thin and that is why some of the articles are distorted and I will try to fix that also. If the advertisers aren't at the end of the page, hit "old posts" and they will all come up. If you want to add something to the blog, go to sign in on the top right of the page, type in my e-mail and password is backcountry. Then go to new posts, write what you want, save it then hit publish post and you've got it. To add pictures just copy then double click with your right side of mouse and hit paste. Or just send them to me and I will add them for you. For those of you that like to read this on paper-just hit the print button and there you go!!!
This will look better next month-Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party will be December 19th beginning at 5pm at the Hood River Saddle Club. Be thinking of that special auction item and come have a fun evening!!!

Forest Service Appreciation Dinner

The Forest Service is hosting an Thanksgiving Appreciation Dinner for all Employees and Volunteers on Monday, November 23rd at noon in the Christian Church in Dufur. They will provide the turkey and anyone attending is asked to bring something to go along with the dinner. This is a nice lunch and if you are free you should try to attend!! Any questions give the Forsmen's a call at 541-296-5651
President’s Message
November 2009

Kudos to Lynn Moore on the idea of a blog for the chapter and setting it into motion. Also, a big thanks to Erika for her help with the project. This moves us up the technology ladder and puts us out there where anyone can find us, read about our activities, see our calendar and, hopefully, want to join us!

I would like to extend a belated Get Well wish to Bill Broderick. Bill, I hope you bounce back and can join us at the meeting or at least by the Christmas party!

To date I have received three responses to my e-mail about officers for 2010: Rose has agreed to continue as Treasurer, Margie has agreed to continue as Secretary and Becky Wolf nominated all officers to remain unless they want out.

Don’t forget – we will have guest speaker Kim McCarrel at the November 18 meeting. She will start her slide presentation on her new book Oregon Horse Trails and Horse Camps at 6:30 pm. Bring an hors d’oeuvre to share and invite a friend.
Joy Senger
Columbia Gorge Back Country Horsemen

Oct Meeting Notes (notetaker: Gail)

Before our meeting, we enjoyed a lively slide show presented by Jody Foss of Kimberly Or of her 600 mile adventure with mules.

We had two guests, Ron Carroll from Mosier, Or, and Joy’s mother, Pat Copley.

Treasurer’s Report:
Rose reported that the $1500 came in for the Cyrus Springs corrals (we are replacing the old wooden corrals with metal ones). She paid over $900 for the steel. There are more things yet to purchase but she estimates that we will probably come in under budget.

Old Business:
Gibson Prairie: Ken reported that he will be going on a field trip tomorrow to help site-in a trail from Gibson Prairie to Long Prairie. It’s a mile long trail. The earlier location for the trail needed to be moved closer to the road for better footing.

Knebal Springs: Jim reported that the Forest Service would like us to complete some work this fall, weather permitting. (Move gravel to toilets, fill potholes, tear down old corrals) Neil agreed to bring his tractor to help with this effort. We will meet @ Knebal Springs, Nov 27 @ with shovels, and rakes.

Barb Adams reported that there are 42 miles of road the FS is decommissioning. One of those is FS 380 that serves Camp Riley. Another one is Wildcat Mt road that serves the Douglas Trail Head. Barb urges people to comment on this to the FS…especially with regards to the Wildcat Mt Road closure. This closure will prevent access to the Douglas Trail by equestrians which is a 26 mile loop. We need to advocate for a new trailhead before the old one is closed. (This is the last day to comment!!)

Gail shared a concern about the ORV alternatives the FS is considering. Alternative 3 would include trails for ORVs in the Gibson Prairie area. It was moved and seconded that Gail and Ken would collaborate on a letter to the FS from our BCH chapter to advocate for alternative 4.

Lower Post Canyon meeting: The FS is planning to convert all trails in the scenic area to hiker, biker and equestrian. We need someone from our group to who knows this area well to join the committee. Ken volunteered.

State Ride Committee: Members will meet before the next meeting .

New Business:

Lynn: Will set up a Blog for our chapter where we can send in and post our pictures, calendar, updates and meeting notes. This will take the place of our newsletter and will save us quite a bit of money.

November meeting, Kim McCarrel, author of Riding Central Oregon Trails will be our guest speaker in November. We’ll start at 6:30 –bring appetizers to share.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dues are Due!!!
Please either mail this in or
Bring to the next meeting!!!
Columbia Gorge Chapter BCHO
20010 Membership Application

New____ Renewal____

1.____________________________________________ Family Single
Print Name State Dues $ 22.00 $ 15.00
2.____________________________________________ Nat’l Dues $ 8.00 $ 5.00
Print Name Chapter Dues $ 10.00 $ 10.00
__________________________________________________________________ Total $ 40.00 $ 30.00
__________________________________________________________________ (Not tax deductible)
City State Zip
_____________________________________________________ Make checks payable & mail to:
E-mail address Phn. #
Columbia Gorge Chapter BCHO
P.O. Box 494
Odell, OR 97044

Liability Release: Recognizing the fact that there is a potential for an accident whenever horse use is involved, which can cause injuries or death to riders, horses and spectators,
and recognizing the fact that Back Country Horseman of Oregon, Inc., chapters, officers, members and guests cannot always know the condition of trails or the experience of rider
and horses taking part in trail rides or other BCHO functions, I do hereby release the aforementioned named from any claim or right for injuries, death and damages which might
occur to me, my spouse, minor children, livestock, and property.

Signed____________________________________Date ______Signed__________________________________Date_________
Must be signed by all chapter members 18 years and older.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Welcome Back Country Horsemen Members

We are now online, enjoy!
Our guest speaker Jody Foss shared her experiences in traveling with her mules. Ken Hansen and Dave Adams received their hour pins for work they have done this year.
We would like to thank these following sponsors: