Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Presidents Message:


Calendar of Events:

September 15 Chapter Business Meeting 7pm
September 24-25 Cyrus Springs Camp-out
October 20 Chapter Business Meeting/Dessert Social 6:30pm
November 17 Chapter Business Meeting/officer Election 7pm
December 18 Chapter Christmas Party/No Host Social 5:30pm


Cyrus Springs Camp-out

Cyrus Springs Camp-out is September 24-26. Come and enjoy a relaxing weekend with a potluck on Saturday night. Bring water for your horses or containers to fill in the water tire on the top of the hill or there is water at the reservoir. Hope to see you all there!


Horses lend us wings we lack.

In riding we borrow Freedom.

Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls-they give us hope!

All Horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be LOVED by a "Little Girl!"
